Introducing the Growth Hormone Program: Your Guide to Health

At HGHAsian, our dedication lies in creating equitable prospects. True to our
word, we present an all-encompassing guide that illuminates the right direction.
This program is meticulously crafted to empower individuals of every age and
gender. Initial stages won't involve gender-specific divisions, as our understanding
of skeletal muscles applies universally. Any necessary exercise adjustments will
be transparently communicated. Further specialization will be unveiled in our
upcoming phase.
Before we dive into a realistic perspective, let's inject a dose of reality:
The concept of 'fat-burning workouts,' as commonly understood, is a myth.
Workouts are designed to develop specific skills and conditions, and energy
expenditure is merely an unintended outcome.
Therefore, it's essential to choose an exercise regimen that not only yields
noticeable fat-burning effects but is also enjoyable and sustainable in the long
term. Even if physical activity isn't a favorite, the benefits are worth the effort. Trustme, I've personally tested this.
Every physical activity consumes energy, which doesn't necessarily equate to
burning subcutaneous fat. There's no magic spell from Hogwarts for that. During
physical exertion, you're utilizing muscular triglycerides or glycogen, often both
simultaneously. However, commanding your backside fat to vanish is wishful
When you're in a calorie deficit for energy replenishment, your body taps into
subcutaneous fat or glucose reserves. These sources could be grandma's
pastries, a bowl of buckwheat, or even the most advanced sports nutrition. The
efficiency remains consistent for everyone, as my former colleague would say,
'uniformly underwhelming.

sports training program during growth hormone intake

Strength training isn't solely for weight loss; it serves a multitude of
Restoration of active cellular mass.
Strengthening joint and ligament structures.
Stimulating the release of endogenous hormones, and more.
Up to the age of 30, our bodies seem invincible, capable of withstanding even the
most audacious stunts. After the early years, however, comes a period of
unforeseen maintenance. Neglecting your well-being invites unwelcome
interventions, potentially involving uncomfortable procedures, often funded
through medical budgets.

sports training program during growth hormone intake

Factoring in Fat Loss:
When it comes to fat loss, the key players are Diet and Discipline. There's an
abundance of diets, with the most popular being the ones that sell well.
Take 'Intermittent Fasting,' for instance—a trending method often credited to
research by Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese molecular biologist awarded the Nobel
Prize for uncovering autophagy mechanisms. It's important to clarify that Ohsumi
never researched or invented diets. He didn't test fat burning, yet his name got
linked to 'Therapeutic Fasting' for marketing purposes.
Exploring Dietary Trends:
Consider the Ketogenic Diet—a dietary approach developed to reduce epileptic
relapses. It has gained popularity for its scientific foundation.
A Pertinent Question:
Do glucose-dependent tissues exist in our bodies? Absolutely. Are carbohydrates
harmful? Why would evolution include them?
Our bodies operate gluconeogenesis systems, creating glucose from non-
carbohydrate compounds, including pyruvate. Alongside glycogenolysis, the
process mainly occurs in the liver and muscles to maintain essential blood glucose

At HGHAsian, we focus on informed choices rather than quick fixes.
In our bodies, gluconeogenesis systems exist, producing glucose from non-
carbohydrate compounds, notably pyruvate. Alongside glycogenolysis, the
 biochemical process of breaking down glycogen into glucose mainly occurs in the
liver and muscles. This mechanism maintains essential blood glucose levels for
various tissues, particularly nerve tissue and red blood cells.

This mechanism, developed as a protective response against periods of scarcity,
was crucial a century ago when regular periods of famine depended on regional,
weather, and other conditions. Although irrelevant today, it still shields individuals
from impractical ideas and experiments.

While numerous diets are available, comprehending their essence is limited. The
key is understanding why diets work—a prolonged energy deficit is a prerequisite.
Therefore, the choice of deficit must align with your comfort. You can explore any
trendy method; our bodies have evolved for millions of years to adapt to such

sports training program during growth hormone intake

Carbohydrates vs Fats
Our objective was to investigate the impact of reducing fat and carbohydrate
consumption during a hypocaloric diet (characterized by a substantial calorie
deficit, reminiscent of diets in Soviet sanatoriums) on body composition and
metabolic adaptation.
We divided overweight participants into two groups and imposed a staggering
30% calorie deficit, a point where complaints often arise even after just a 10%
This deficit was either through reduced fat intake (LOW FAT) or through reduced
carbohydrate intake (LOW CARB). The study was conducted under controlled
conditions within a clinic, meticulously managing food intake and energy
expenditure. Each group was observed for six days, followed by a 2-4 week break
period before switching conditions.

Dietary regimen:
LOW FAT - 1918 calories, 105g protein, 17g fat, 352g carbohydrates.
LOW CARB - 1918 calories, 101g protein, 108g fat, 140g carbohydrates.
Daily activity involved 60 minutes of treadmill walking. We measured body
composition (densitometry), metabolism, and the type and amount of oxidized fuel
(metabolic chamber).
Results showed that both groups experienced reductions in body mass and fat
over the six-day period. Body mass saw a greater reduction in the LOW CARB
group (1.9kg) compared to the LOW FAT group (1.3kg). Interestingly, fat mass
reduction was opposite, with LOW CARB group showing 245g reduction, and
LOW FAT group 463g.
Insulin concentration decreased, and fat oxidation rate increased in the LOW
CARB group. Unfortunately, the study didn't delve into health, appetite, or energy
expenditure impacts.
In summary, where carbohydrates are restricted, weight loss is more pronounced
due to water and glycogen loss. This effect is commonly seen in fitness fads with
dramatic results. While one can celebrate this after a visit to a sauna, people are
buying into it, so it's worth tailoring to. Conversely, where fat intake is limited, fat
expenditure is higher, and weight loss is less. This system mirrors approaches
used by many foreign professionals: adequate protein intake (2g per kg of body
weight), sufficient carbohydrates for contentment, and minimal fat intake, which is
incidentally acquired through proteins, but we try to minimize it.
Ultimately, your physical activity always taps into muscular triglycerides, which you don't replenish. They'll be restored from subcutaneous fat, but a caloric deficit is essential.

The idea is that by reducing the fat content of the menu, we can introduce more
carbohydrates into the menu, making the diet more palatable. However, what
about the basic functions of fats? They are indeed essential for the endocrine
system and serve other purposes. After all, there are established norms. For
normal people, these norms apply, but our body doesn't care where fatty acids
 enter the bloodstream from - through the mouth or by transportation from fat
depots via lipolysis. IT DOESN'T CARE! But if the body is confused and doesn't
know where to get FAT for its purposes, it will take from your fat stores !

We have the continuation on our blog!